Reminder to please pay any outstanding account balances
PLEASE CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT FOR CREDITS and pay only the amount owing.
How credits are issued:
When the items for the date are deleted the system creates a "TRX Note entry" on your accounts indicating the amount that was credited. Credits are done by adjusting the order total so you do not see an actual credit line item. For example, if you have an order for $40 and you delete items totaling $5 the order will be adjusted to be $35 as the $5 worth of items will have been deleted from the order. To indicate this there will be a TRX Note entry stating that $5 of items were deleted. Please email if you have questions.
There are also quite a few credits on the system, so it would be a good idea to check out what you really owe after your order is placed and pay only that amount. This will save us some time later!
If you want to know what you really owe or if you have a credit: Go to the third tab at the top of the screen called "Orders" and select "Account Transactions" from the drop down menu. At the bottom of the page, you will see your current account balance. If there is a negative sign (-) before the dollar amount then this is a credit. If you have a balance owing, it will also show up in red at the top of the page.
Join us on FACEBOOK at M.C.S. Home and School Association for information and updates!
Please order your child's lunch by Sunday the week before.
Please be sure to clearly identify any money sent to the school with your child's name and teacher.
We now require pre-payment of all orders. This can be done by depositing to your account on the "Orders" tab. The minimum account deposit is $10, payable by PayPal. Accounts that still have a credit at the end of the year can either have the balance forwarded to next years' lunch program or have the credit refunded."
Don't forget to scroll all the way to the bottom of the order page and press the "Place order and continue button." It seems simple, but when you are in a hurry, it is easy to forget.
You can pay using Paypal!You can either pay with a credit card as a PayPal guest (Visa, Mastercard or Amex), or set up your own PayPal account. You can still pay by sending a cheque or cash to the school, as long as they are clearly marked with your child's name! The bank fees and volunteer time for cash are high, so we are hoping to move toward online payments and cheques as much as possible. Thank you for your help with this!
**Please Note: Should you experience any issues with your PayPal account, you must contact PayPal directly to solve the issue.
The hot lunch online order system requires a small amount of setup time at the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to ordering hot lunch. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple. If you see the message that your child is already in the system, please email to let them know your account username. This means that you have submitted paper orders in the past and the child has an account already. We can easily merge the two accounts and you will be able to order.
Here's how to Register: Please note - the school access code is MCHL.
Click the "REGISTER" menu at the top right hand corner to sign up. Our school code is MCHL.
Enter your name, email address and phone, then a user id that you will use for access to the hot lunches application. Enter a password and then enter it again to verify that it is correct.
Once registered, you will be logged into the website.
Please add your children by clicking on the "STUDENTS" button below or the "PROFILE" menu tab in order to proceed. Once your children have been added to the system you will be able to place lunch orders immediately by clicking the "Order" button below each child's name.
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